Monday, January 30, 2006

Gabrieli Out?

Chris Gabrieli has withdrawn from talks with Tom Reilly over becoming the AG's candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

What happened here? It sounded like a done deal on Friday, I wonder what prompted Gabrieli to say no?
This couldn't come at a worse time for Reilly, the democratic caucuses are in a week, and you know Reilly was looking for a boost from the announcement of a ticket.
Now he has fruitlessly incurred the wrath of everyone else in the Lt. Governor's race.
Time seems to have run out for Reilly in terms of generating a new running mate though, (A letter to the State Party Chair must be on file by tomorrow for anyone who wants to run state wide)...but if Tom was really looking to shake up the race he oughta give Ben Affleck a call.
Humble Elias is serious here, he is young, personable, stinkin' rich, excellent name recognition...true he has no experience but neither did Romney when he parachuted in back in 2002.
Think about it Tom, you wanna light up the caucuses this Saturday, Ben may be your only hope.

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