Thursday, January 12, 2006

Joan Vennochi's current column

contains the following howler:
And what about the requisite adoring wife, peeking over her husband's shoulder as he stands at the brink of the biggest job of his life? Why is that old-fashioned picture of spousal devotion considered such an important element of the nominee's presentation? The risk of wife-as-prop was demonstrated yesterday. Mrs. Alito broke down in tears and left the hearing when the going got rough. It tells nothing about Alito's judicial philosophy
Well gee Joanie do I have to spell it out for you? Judge Alito hasn't been nominated as a Supreme Court Judge for all the people, he has been appointed as the representative of a particular political philosophy that prizes a subservient demeanor from wives. Depicting Mrs. Alito as an adoring helpmate also shores up the President's battered image in Wowserdom and keeps the rightical chic punditariat quiet.
Just ask your colleague Jeff Jacoby if you aren't sure, no doubt he thinks it is a great thing and a nigh revolutionary act that Mrs. Alito dresses like a colorblind Stepford Wife.
Okay that was a cheap shot I know...but we live in cheap times Joanie, and getting cheaper all the time.
Sarcasm in particular counts for nothing in the face of institutions and ideologies that are at once all powerful and thoroughly corrupt.


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