Thursday, January 26, 2006

Senator George Allen,

normally an entirely nondescript cheap and puerile Senator, rose to new heights of gaseous bombast on the "Imus in the Morning" program today.
Pompously he intoned, "The United States and Israel does not negotiate with terrorists" in response to Hamas victory in the Palestinian Parliamentary elections.
And yet we just released five or so Iraqi women from prison over there, and this of course has nothing to do with Jill Carroll's kidnapping and the kidnapper's demand for a general release of all Iraqi Women now in prison.
No, we aren't negotiating with terrorists in Iraq, no not at all Senator Allen.

Ah but then, the only thing that shocks a GOP Senator these days is a vexing and unexpected collision with reality.

Oh yeah, keep your eye on this dipshit as well, the word on the street is Allen wants to run for President badly and wishes to run up a big sure win in Virginia this year to efface the memory of his all out support for Jim Kilgore in last year's gubernatorial debacle.

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