Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Where is Peggy Noonan and her

magic dolphins when a raftload of Cuban Refugees needs them?

Apparently all of Cuban GOP Miami is up in arms about this and there are the usual rumblings about defections this fall. Pay no mind to gratifying scare stories like this though, every so often the news media gets its rocks off by predicting Cuban abandonment of the GOP and or African American defections from the Democrats.
Of course, maybe Ms. Noonan can explain how George Bush Jr could "hear" the screams from Saddam's torture chambers all the way from Baghdad and yet remains deaf to the howls of agony from out Castro's Cuba?
Neither dictator has a WMD to save his miserable life so it must be the oil or democracy or the balance of power or the virile impregnation of the region with democracy or some damn thing.


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