Tuesday, January 31, 2006


AG Tom Reilly at the last possible moment picks Boston State Rep Marie St. Fleur as his proposed running mate.
I can't see how this does much other than bring an able Haitian American Pol into the process and possibly cut into Deval Patrick's alleged base.
But after the fruitless negotiations with Chris Gabrieli this weekend, the whole thing looks rushed and a little embarrassing.
As I said before, if Reilly had been able to entice Ralph Martin or Wayne Budd to jump the fence, that might've resonated with the Commonwealth's unenrolled voters come the fall. As it is, being a Boston State Rep, St. Fleur doesn't bring much in the way of independent appeal to the notional ticket.
But we shall see, who knows she might be a barn-burner out in Leominster and Bellingham?

Otherwise, Humble Elias thinks the electoral laws ought to be revised to allow nominees to pick Lt. Governor candidates in the fashion of national candidates. Picks like St. Fleur and Chris Gabrieli in 2002 are potentially meaningless if the electorate swings another way in the all important primary.
Either that or simply abolish the office of Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth, New Hampshire gets by quite well without one that I can see.
Something like this would give future Governor's pause if they wanted to resign for frivolous reasons (as did Weld and Cellucci)and the Secretary of State was a member of the opposition party.

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