Wednesday, January 25, 2006

An Echo not a Choice...

So as of yesterday, Kerry Healey is on record as fairly pantin' to have Christy Mihos run against her in the GOP Gubernatorial Primary.
This raises an interesting question,(assuming of course, the Lt. Governor and the dregs of the state GOP are on the up and up about Mihos)just how is a primary contest between two alleged socially/liberal fiscally conservative goo-goos gonna play out?
Who will LeHigh, Vennochi, McGrory et al mark out for? Hell, there isn't a dime's worth of ideological difference between either candidate.
Style-wise it is an even murkier picture, Healey is a hopelessly inane hack with a rich and shameless husband, Mihos made millions selling old milk for $3.99 a gallon.
I wonder if Kerry will run to the right this year? Start babbling in screechy aggrieved tones that stem cells are made from ground up babies mixed with dead angels or something like that.
Or maybe Mihos will stump the state in a Sam Brown Belt and a Blackshirt calling for the liberal castor oil and truncheon agin' the Legislature.
They will have to do something drastic to sharpen their differences, does Mihos propose to run against the very Romney Admin he put into place? How does Healey engage with someone who is her ideological doppelganger in every way?
Frankly, it'd be more fun for me but twice as dangerous for the Commonwealth if Mihos ran as an independent.
So that, is Humble Elias' dilemma this morning.


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