Monday, November 28, 2005

Kultur Notes:

Why does Boston Catholic Television sell airtime to their nominal religious competition evangelical protestantism?
Is the Dioceses in that much financial pain that they must sell prime time slots to freakjobs like Jack Van Impe and those godawful Left Behind Films starring that aging Tiger Beat Lothario Kirk Cameron?
To quote the Timeless Shane "Hurricane" Helms "Whassup wid dat??"
Normally BC-TV is given over to the harmless antics of Mother Angelica re-runs, clean cut priests running incoherent game shows, the rosary and talking heads which sometimes feature my old college chum Father Stan Fortuna.
But then on Sunday Nights seemingly every born again zombie from here to Waco starts screaming for cash and blood.
Its disconcerting, no it is sad quite frankly.

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