Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Thousand and One Posts

If Blogger.com is to be believed, Humble Elias has acculmulated a thousand posts on this blog since 2003.
Wow...who'd a thunk it.
Not bad for a vengeful spiteful blog full of sarcasm and unfiltered hostility.

Or as I like to call it "Ideological warfare".

I started this blog out of mounting sense of frustration with national and state politics, it has been hard though since then to maintain that outrage what with John Kerry getting elected President and Shannon O'Brien winning the governorship.

Oh wait...my bad.

So therefore given the current circumstances, nothing seems more fitting than to rededicate this blog to its core and coarse values.

So let Humble Elias firmly assert once again that the President is a stupid malevolent little geek with a psychotic sense of grievance and the Governor of Massachusetts is a oleaginous chronic self pleasurer.

There... Now let the adventure continue!

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