Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Viceroy walks

By now Willard Mitt Romney has passed into the Commonwealth's gubernatorial foot-notes mourned only by perhaps Brian McGrory and a few nameless others.
he goes out the way he came in, as a mercenary, an expensive and opportunistic player dedicated to naught but his own good.
Willard was a governor who got fatally bored with his job about a week before his 2003 inauguration.
Romney started his term making diresome threats against the culture of nepotism on Beacon Hill and ends it by appointing his churlish lackwitted Lieutenant Governor and sundry other lackeys to various boards and commissions.
Mitt started his term as a "moderate" (or so, Lehigh and McGrory sighed) and ends it as a witchburner and a latah for the wowsers.
In 2002, Romney was a friend to the gay community, now he leaves office preciously proud of his fag bashing bona fides.
We will have little else to remember him by save a thirst for cheap applause and a long long list of abandoned policy initiatives.
He won't be missed.
Still and all that, I am grateful to Romney for one thing, he did inspire me to start blogging. As a politician he was strictly amateur night in Dixie, but as a veritable straw-that-broke-the-camel's back he was very much a success.

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