Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jeb Bush has endorsed Mitt Romney for President...

I think those two embrace, look each in the eye, smile and see the other one as a very very credulous pawn.
I wonder what this means?
Is Florida Senator Marco Rubio's Vice Presidential Star descending at last?
Does Jeb now crave the second spot on the ticket?
I wonder how well the two of them (Rubio & Bush) are polling nationally and as a means to deliver their home state?
I'm gonna guess that Children of Bush Senior have an aversion to the Vice Presidency and it's reputation for political suspended animation.
That is of course, if Romney wins the Big Brass Ring.
On the other hand, running and losing with Romney does vault Jeb into A-List contention in 2016, but then the same can be said for Rubio.
La Famiglia Arbusto and The Former Viceroy have a long storied relationship that mostly revolves the selective exploitation of Romney by the Bush Family coupled with sporadic attempts by Mitt to use the Bush Clan's Seal of Approval to bolster his own lackluster conservative bona fides.
In other words, it is a fluid situation whenever Bush and Romney try to serve each other's interests.

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