Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Oh Thank Ghod...

Deval Patrick has let common sense prevail and has decided not to run for President in 2020.  Of course, details are still sketchy as to why he isn't running, the simple explanation may be he doesn't have the "fire in the belly" or his family is firmly opposed...or maybe the early money & infrastructure is already committed to Senior Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Of course, Congresspersons Kennedy, Moulton and Former Secretary of State Kerry are all also being  touted as candidates, so there is no shortage of "Kamikaze Democrats" from The Bay State for anyone who wants to spend eighteen months Living in Hope.  I am assuming at the end of the day, John Kerry can't raise the money or build the campaign staff to make a credible challenge. Seth Moulton is all about challenge, but it has to be a winnable challenge to be worth the candle, I don't think Kennedy has ever been serious about running for President...yet, I am sure he is being told he must prove himself in a higher office before making his move.  That leaves Elizabeth Warren, who is at least, still "thinking it over".
Keep thinking about it Senator, please!
I think Patrick made the right call, he might have been competitive in Iowa and he could have stumped the living daylights out of New Hampshire...but he'd a gotten sandbagged badly in what I like to call "The Boston Globe Primary".  Cuz That Paper despite its enduring liberal reputation, does not make it easy on local democrats to run for President.  Granted they fear perhaps rightly so, accusations of bias, but boy howdy they really beat up John Kerry back in 2004, front page above the fold news every time he dropped in the polls up in NH, among many other vexing things.  I can recall a highly placed campaign volunteer explaining to me why Kerry was in first place in Iowa in the lead up to the caucuses she said "they don't read The Boston Globe in Des Moines".
Anyhow this is a decision on Patrick's Part that costs him nothing, and who knows, he could make an interesting Vice Presidential Prospect for the right Top Nominee looking to boost turnout in Urban Areas.

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