Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I'm not one to traffic conspiracy theories, most of the popular ones out there fail the simplest application of "Occam's Razor"...or the arithmetic fact that the more people in on a conspiracy the more short lived it's security.  But if I had to speculate, I'd wonder if those drones and cruise missiles that hit that Saudi Refinery this week, were in fact fired by the Saudis themselves.
I know its outlandish, but consider, they might've done it to drive up the price of oil and tempt Trump into a volitional war with Iran and its also the sort of ham fisted dumbass scheme a homicidal jobber like Crown Prince Salman might dream up in a bid to reshuffle the deck in the Middle East.  After all he had a dissenting journalist hacked to death in broad day practically in front of the whole world, its a hard act to top but bombing one's own oil refinery might just do it.
Of course, if I really wanted to traffic I'd note that somehow the refinery will be back to 70% of it's capacity ere long...I mean there is a definite Gulf of Tonkin vibe here.
Predictably, Trump is bellowing the most bloodthirsty cringeworthy threats imaginable and backpedalling at a speed to put Lance Armstrong to shame.  He wanted to nuke em' on Sunday and as of today its all enhanced sanctions, who says Trump doesn't respect international norms??

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