Monday, October 04, 2004

Did I miss something?

Or did exactly no one notice that North Korea (number one with a bullet on 2001's Axis of Evil charts) announced they have the bomb last week?
You know....the Atomic Bomb?
The one we are all supposed to learn to love or something?
I gotta give Komrade Kim's hellspawn credit, he waited, girt up his loins, and joined the nuclear club right in the middle of a U.S. Presidential Campaign....perfect timing.
And Bush's response?
Sign into law another god damned tax cut thus proving to me once and for all that movement conservatism is afflicted with a kind of gruesome senile dementia...literally the answer to EVERYTHING is a tax cut right up to and including the prospect of regional nuclear conflict in Asia!
My Ghod what is to be done with this new Nero of ours??
The quality of our security guarantee to something like FIVE functioning democracies in the region is degrading by the hour thanks to our passive aggressive policy towards Pyongyang and yet all Bush can do is pass out money in Iowa like he is Eva Peron.
Where will it all end?
I don't know but it will end sooner or later and not in a good way for all of us.

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