Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A Miser's Progress...

Y’know there is no accounting for it…Mitt Romney really is a cheap dickhead.
He has these gruesome mailers his legislative campaign is dropping all over his preferred seventeen target districts.
They are full of the usual rabble rousing piffle…lower taxes, free flapjacks…a placebo called reform.
However this campaign literature has been vetted, designed, written, and printed in Washington DC.
Good Ghod…Decaf won’t even spend any of that mad phat cash he’s been shaking down from the likes of Fidelity Investments on a local printer will he??

Hell its okay to spend OUR money on flattering billboards far off Los Angeles advertising the salubrious business climate in Massachusetts and incidentally pushing Mitt’s loopy smirk.
But spend some of his wad locally?
The dope is so unfamiliar with Massachusetts that he can’t find a trustworthy production house for his nauseating campaign vomitus.
Otherwise it appears that Mitt hates Massachusetts on some odd visceral level and for pure spite’s sake will deliberately take his business out of state no matter how trivial the issue.

These are the decisions we can expect from a viceregal personality with an itch to make his bones nationally.
Look for more and more of them no matter what happens nationwide or hear at home in November.

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