Monday, November 15, 2004

Powell Departeth..or The Slaves of Texas...

Having accomplished nothing moderately as Secretary of State, Colin Powell turned in his resignation today and exits governance with the phantom banner of GOP moderation at high mast.
He couldn't stop Cheney, Wolfowicz, and Rumsfeld from usurping his portfolio, he couldn't stop Bush from invading Iraq, and he couldn't help lying like a dog in the heat in front of the U.N. But he sure did look great at all those international conferences as the U.S. duly fussing about the Kyoto Accords and the SALT 1 treaty.
Truly Colin Powell is a lawn ornament of a man.
Useless and dignified to the last, proud, moderate, and impotent, Powell leaves the Cabinet with his political bona fides intact. The Secretary of State is probably bidding up his compensation package from the Heritage Foundation even as Humble Elias writes this.
Having avoided conflict with the utopian wing of movement conservatism Powell can now cash in on the "GOP moderate racket. These would be the Warren Rudmans and the Lincoln Chaffees of the chat show circuit...serious thoughtful, unthreatening and utterly irelevant...Colin Powell craves this easy-assed sinecure.

Secretary Powell can also look forward to many more appearances on "Meet the Press" as a Foreign Policy oracle. So don't worry, he won't miss that canine-like look of devotion that Tim Russert throw him whenever the General sits down to talk.

Meanwhile, what Galleazzo Ciano type character, what blustering dickhead will Bush dredge up to "reform the State Department"? Chimes at Midnight thinks Bush needs someone young and easily intimidated-he is tired of his dad's pals looking over his shoulder. How about Senator Rick "High Pitched Rich" Santorum? He is a nice functional sociopath in every way, a vertiable Fred Van Ackerman of the new right. As Secretary of State he'd have those pansies at Foggy Bottom behind barbed wire before sun down. Moreover, Santorum worships GWB in a crude paganistic fashion which is qualification number one among the Busheviki.

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