Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"You won't have Dan Rather to kick around anymore..."

So the news summaries read, dauntless Dan has thrown in his lapel mike and is retiring at what the advanced age of 73? Who will the wingnut bloggers dump on now? That vacuous baritone Peter Jennings? Sadly the days of the "Frankly Unctuous" type super anchors are behind us. The rightical chic punditariat will have to make due beating up utterly trivial likes of Brian Williams. This is a serious problem...who is the next generation of GOp zealots and uplifters to practive sharpening their claws upon?
Heavan only knows upon whom their wrath will fall next.
Humble Elias does wonder though, now that Dan is on the bum again does this mean he and Imus will finally kiss and make up? The I-Man does love these tattered old newsmen, Bon Schieffer and the like. Of course Don did call Dan "an agenda driven maniac" once on the public airwaves not six months ago.
Its gonna get awfully loneyl down there in Texas next spring...a call in to Imus might be just the tonic to ease an abrupt retirement.

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