Thursday, October 06, 2005

Romney wallows in approach-avoidance syndrome...

apparently according to the Globe's Metro page, Mitt is putting off an annoucement with respect to his political plans til' November.
Allegedly this is because he wants to get his health care bill through the Lege...but in fact his polls are down hus leadership is wasted and only Scot Lehigh seems to return his calls.
Given all that, he has to make the exit look good somehow...and like a fool he has glommed onto this trivial and fraudulent health coverage bill as the means to do so.
Frankly I think the boys on Beacon Hill will give the legislation all due props and blithely vote it down when the time comes.
Why vote for a bad bill now when they can bide a while until Reilly, Patrick, Galvin or Kennedy is governing and then write a good bill?

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