Monday, October 24, 2005

Smears of the Future...

a lot of seriously demented freepers and rightical chic types on the internet are deluding themselves with the spurious notion that come Wednesday or so, Patrick Fitzgerald will pull a sneaky 180' and indict Valerie Plame,Ambassador Joe Wilson and who knows perhaps Hubert Humphrey's unquiet bones.
This of course, plays to their innate royalism and hatred for the rule of law. How they wish and wish ardently their King (Be he Jesus or George) would sinply sic the furies on their own personal hate objects.
Its all very childish and a little embarrassing, but it does point up the next big freeper talking point; that is that Joe Wilson somehow broke the law by telling the truth and that his wife is a double agent or some such twaddle.
This line of lunacy will be spewed by Limbaugh, Hannity, Jacoby etc starting this week and it'll run like a cataract of raw liquified shit for the next five years or until Cheney turns himself in.
So you heard it here first, Joe and Valerie will come in for some appalling abuse starting this week.

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