Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Right on schedule...

Jeff Jacoby has rolled out his annual "The LEFT is guilty of HATE SPEECH" column. An embarrassing and increasingly childish tirade that does little to advance Jeff's prospects as Boston's next big think conservative.
This particular gem though, stands out:
Antiwar protester Cindy Sheehan, who denounced President Bush as an ''evil maniac" and ''Führer" and said his administration -- ''the biggest terrorist outfit in the world" -- is committing ''blatant genocide" in Iraq.
Jeff buddy would it kill you to just mention even in passing that Cindy rendered up her son for the current war in Iraq?
A sacrifice you yourself won't have to contemplate with young Kaleb for another thirteen or so years assuming Jeb succeeds George and Neil then assumes the Overseership of Plantation USA.
Careful excisions like this are a hallmark of the current anxiety ridden conservative zeitgeist.
Well what of it?
We can't expect any reasonable thinking from Jeff.
He claims on the basis of nothing but his own wishful imagination that the right is better policed than the left when it comes to "hate speech".
And yet when Ann Coulter mused about blowing up the New York Times did Jeff spring to the defense of his nominal employers?
When Bill O' Reilly snarled at San Francisco wishing a terrorist attack on that metropolis....did Jeff speak up?
And when Rush Limbaugh ranted that John Kerry wants to get rid of Christmas....Jeff maintains a decorous silence.

Where was the right's self policing mechanism in any of these cases?
Nowhere because it exists as naught but an annual rhetorical device favored by one ambitious Boston Globe columnist.


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