Monday, March 27, 2006

Capuano endorses Patrick...

The big news today izzat Congressman Mike Capuano has endorsed Deval Patrick for Governor. Given Mike's broadminded views on Gay Marriage and the limited nature of the gubernatorial field, there wasn't anywhere else he could go...unless he jumped in the race.
But that ain't happening.
This is good news for Patrick who could use a few political bigfeet on the campaign letterhead at this point. Granted Patrick did extraordinarily well on caucus day but it was a victory writ large by Reilly's own bumbling in the lead up to the balloting. Patrick is doing well out there, but his victory is far from certain.

Tom Reilly's general election numbers haven't moved since the Gabrieli-St.
Fleur debacle, he still beats Healey like a gong in either a two or three way race.
The man hasn't the charisma God gave Bob Newhart, but in a matchup between the trivial Kerry Healey and a nutjob like Christy is just possible they electorate will sigh roll their eyes and go for Reilly.
On the other hand, Patrick can charm the birds off the trees (I've seen him do it, trust me), how is Reilly supposed to get past that?
Meanwhile, Gabrieli a day late and a dollar short has surfaced and is making all the usual gubernatorial shrieks and bellows.
There is nothing like Massachusets in the spring when there is a Governor's race coming up.

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