Tuesday, March 07, 2006

One last good and juicy rumor...

How about Brad Card for Lieutenant Governor? Y'know Andy Card the White House Chief of Staff's moocherella little brother? Brad would make a great running mate for Kerry Healey.
From what I can tell, he needs the work.

Okay that was mean, but seriously Brad has an impeccable political pedigree and strong desire to get his mits deep into GOP politics, really ANY GOP politics will do!
Granted he was last seen sniffing around the republican congressional primary in New Hampshire, but if it is one thing 2002 has taught us, izzat details like this can be fixed up with no worries.
I say the Massachusetts GOP should start importing ringers from the Granite State en masse. The republican party is too robust up there (Much akin to the Bay State's dems) its take forever to work your way up to some juicy public sinecure. If a few of the lean and hungry ones (like Brad say) came down here they could be campaigning free and clear for PAYING statewide jobs right away.

Of course it is, cynical, malicious and low...but it is an midterm election they may as well start up with it all now as later.

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