Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I sometimes think

That Jeff Jacoby's real problem is that his father took away his Ken Doll and Peter Pan costume at too impressionable an age. If psychotherapist Terrence Real is to be believed abusees frequently appropriate the psychic pain and aggression instinct of their tormenters in adulthood.
How else to explain today's column wherein Jeff rants on and on blaming the Big Dig's faults and cost over-runs on virtually every single democrat of note both alive and dead in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts?

This particular howler stands out amidst the torrent of covert displaced aggression:

"The Big Dig is indeed a monument to (Tip) O'Neill. It captures perfectly the costly big-government sloppiness for which he was the poster child."

Way to go Jeff...Dumping your acculmulated mental effluvia on the grave of a man twelve years dead. Humble Elias would not call this notion "progress" in the clinical sense of the term but it must have been a good short term quieter of the screeching beasts in Jacoby's head.
On a more prosaic level, nowhere in today's column does Jeff touch on the shoddy management provided by Bechtel Parsons nor the wretched execution by Modern Continental Construction nor the laughable "oversight" of the Big Dig provided by Governors Weld, Cellucci, Swift and now Romney.
Ah but jumping ugly on them wouldn't mute the howling in Jeff's bruised and bleeding psyche wouldn't it?

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