Friday, July 14, 2006

New Hampshire Idle...

The Boston Herald reported yesterday, that in the wake of Milena Del Valle's tragic death in in the I-90 Connector Tunnel, Mitt Romney interrupted his vacation just long enough for a shrill & hysterical press conference before jetting back to the Granite State.
You now see just what Governor Romeny really thinks of the whole matter...fodder for fear-mongering and posturing nothing more. A crisis sufficiently trivial that it can be left to his staff to sort out with "Lt. Governor Barbie" to act as an acceptable and decorous cut out at the press briefings.
There are a lot of reasons to be suspicious of the Governor's so called leadership, but the one in the spotlight right now is his sheer superficial amateurishness.
Faced with a problem with legislative, public safety, emotional and financial facets to it, Mitt sighs, shrugs and tries desperately to play the hero in demanding Matt Amorello's resignation.
Only an amateur like Mitt would try to desperately to posture and preen in such a simplistic fashion at a time like this.
According to Scot Lehigh and Brian McGrory, Romney is a private sector managerial wizard in extremis, frankly I don't see it. The man is an amateur and bumptious one at that, he made his pile playing with other people's money at Bain Capital Group this is not a background tailor-made for the development of crisis management skills.
Sadly, I think we are in for worse outrages than this...Mitt is on short time and wants only to grasp the short term opportunity so he can start campaigning for President full time in 2007. If after that, the whole damn thing goes up in smoke, well that is just tough tittie for Massachusetts.


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