Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Number Seventeen with a Bullet...

According to blognetnews.com this, the little blog that cried somehow ranks seventeen in "influence" amongst local news and political type blogs.
My ghod, see what happens when you put christian piety in your heart and tons of invective on the internet!
Honestly, I couldna dunnit without Mitt Romney, Scary Kerry Healey, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Don Imus, Mike Barnicle, Laura Ingraham, Tom Friedman and numberless book worshipers, autistic free market geeks, wowsers, Joanie Vennochi and that laughing young senescence, Jeff Jacoby.
I thank you all, you made it easy for me...really.
I thank you all, this obscure toe-hold on the outer reaches dim notoriety, will only spur me to fresh outrages.
As soon as I think of some.

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