Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whenever Jeff Jacoby gets up on his stuffed cavalry charger

and starts bellowing about democracy, it is time for all sensible citizens to adjourn to the cellar, crouch behind some sandbags with a stout tire iron and some canned food.
Cuz he will rant and rave long and loud....
Of course where was this blubbering sobbing lu-uv fer demo-cracy when the ballots in Florida begged for a recount or when Ohio's GOP stole the whole state from John Kerry?
Let us face facts shall we? Jeff is a mark for the war party by his own admission so the current rioting over there is a godsend to him as it is a pretext for escalation, invasion, regime change or whatever diresome fantasy teases him this week.
The President is speaking out firmly and clearly on Iran, far more clearly than Saint Ronald Reagan ever did with respect to say...South Africa or Pinochet's aufklarung in Chile.
in some respects, I'd say the regime has fallen into Obama's rhetorical trap, the repression frees the White House to simply decry the violence without the onus of choosing sides.
And while this puts any thaw with Tehran on hold it also puts the kibbosh on any of these notions that Iran will become some type of regional hegemon any time in the near future. Frankly the mullahs are looking more and more like the usual blustering strongmen of a type that much bedevils the middle east.

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