Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crazy Christy we hardly knew ye...

Well...lemme tell yuh....
Six months of fundraising issues...
Repeated lawsuits to secure payment for goods and services provided by vendors...
A revolving door on the office of one's campaign manager...
Lingering tax issues...
A doomed effort to run for governor as an independent in 2006...
Other than his profligate fundraising jacking up Christy Mihos seems to have been the second thing that Charlie Baker has done right all this year. the fall campaign for all intents and purposes began yesterday afternoon, "game on and all like dat".
Nonetheless I have never abandoned the belief that Baker couldn't have been overtaken in a primary contest, he isn't running that good a campaign quite frankly. He is to put it succinctly, stiff, dull, untried and very model of a modern GOP insider, ample fodder for a populist challenger with sufficient ruthlessness.
Ah but that challenger wasn't gonna be Crazy Christy, despite a last minute run to the teabagger right, I'm hard pressed to think of a politician who blundered more consistently in the course of their campaign unless of course it was AG Coakley in her US Senate bid back in January.
Baker simply made fewer mistakes than Mihos and so he is now the de-facto GOP nominee period end of story.
Still, the line up the GOP has fielded for the statewide offices is at best unimpressive and there is definitely an undercurrent of "discomfort" with nominating the famously out and proud State Senator Richard Tisei for Lt. Governor on the part of some at the convention.
So there are cracks in that almighty GOP resolve, whether they play a role in the fall campaign is another question entirely.

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