Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is freakin' hilarious...

You just knew, that Jeff Jacoby had to come runnin' to the defense of the Tea Partei in his column today...
Y'know that vast gathering of inconstant deficit hawks that are congregating on Boston Common today. We heard not a peep from them when blocks of US currency went missing in Iraq, but let President Obama spent one silver dollar on health care reform and they shriek like stuck pigs.
Anyhow, the Globe's own Laughing Young Senescence had this howler to share with us:
"Head over to the Boston Common this morning, however, and you will find neither fascists nor Klansmen, but a sea of sincere and energized citizens worried about the direction in which their country is headed and alarmed by the Obama administration’s vast aggrandizement of government power."
Well gee Jeff is this is nothing but a vast love-in of "civic engagement" why would the likes of Richard Tisei, Charlie Baker and Scott Brown all stay away from the "Tea Partei Express?
Do you honestly think Richard Tisei could walk thru that crowd and be treated civilly?
Would Sarah Palin really want to share the podium with an out-and-proud gay Republican?
Just sayin'...
And anyway Jeff who the hell are you to whine about the "Obama Administration's vast aggrandizement of government power",? You were FINE with the PATRIOT act, with wireless wiretapping of US Citizens, with Guantanamo Bay all of it quite frankly. Hell til' now you've been a faithful cheerleader for the "Vast Aggrandizement of Government Power" whats the problem??
The Tea Partei is the myth of grievance on the march nothing more and as usual Jeff Jacoby (despite his sporadic attempts to chart a course as a serious public intellectual) can do nothing but squeal with glee even as the haters and baiters go marching by.
Sad really.
Nope it is hilarious.

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