Sunday, May 23, 2010

It must be a mid term election,

because once again, the GOP resolves itself into a committee of vigilance and xenophobia and is bound and determined to run every illegal immigrant it can out of the country.
Until the election is over and they need the pool skimmed and dinner cooked that is. Arizona's current draconian anti-hedge-clipper/pool skimmer/au pair laws being only the latest example of movement conservatism's biannual flirtation with calculated xenophobia.

Just remember this guy here, he is an illegal immigrant. His foster parent lied like dogs in the heat to keep him far away from the Federales, do you really want to send him to the back of the line? have him pay a penalty and wait his turn when genetically engineered pterodactyls start strafing the citizenry?
Right now the way the law reads he couldn't fly over Arizona without incurring a bench warrant...Think about that.

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