Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Why in Ghod's Name...

Does Jeff Jacoby persist in defending the indefensible practice of disaster related price gouging?

Shaking people down for a few more shekels at a time of panic & crisis is pretty goddamn low on the morality scale if you asked me.

But no, when the shit hammer comes down on us all, Jeff goes charging out there under the Dollar Sign Flag desperate to convince he is John Galt.
Pathetic really.
Honestly, he'll never become the next David Brudnoy if he keeps this up, he will be lucky to be stuck at the bottom of the bill with the cheap acts like R. Emmett Tyrell.
BTW whatever happened to Bob Tyrell? He looked like the next big monster back when Clinton was in office a natty combo of The Raisuli and Westbrook Pegler, now today pfft! Nothing the man couldn't get arrested if he solicited an immature donkey act.

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