Sunday, June 05, 2011

David Bernstein seems to think that

If Sarah Palin piles into the GOP Presidential race that it will ultimately be "Advantage Romney" as it will force the ditherers and fence sitters among the Republican Power Elite to back Mitt to prevent Sarah's Tea Partiers from taking over the whole conservative shebang.

That is a logical possibility to say the least.

Humble Elias on the other hand thinks that maybe just maybe Romney versus Palin might be just the short of "war in heaven" scenario that will ultimately destroy the GOP, as far as 2012 is concerned.
It has happened before, Rockefeller versus Goldwater in 1964, where was the GOP Power Elite then? Dithering and fishing for some safe nullity who could snaffle the nomination away from the two intransigent battlers...They failed, Goldwater was nominated and then the roof caved in on Election Day.
Then there is Reagan versus Ford in 1976, Ford had to bribe, promise, bribe, promise and dance a miserable little self hating jig and still he just barely got the GOP nomination despite being an incumbent US President for Cthulu's sake! All this did nothing but set Jerry up for defeat that fall agin' Carter.
All I know about Mitt Romney is that he is a very serious misogynist, he hates women in politics, republican or democrat. If you don't believe me ask Governors Jane Swift, Shannon O'Brien or Kerry Healey of Massachusetts.
He may not win the nomination for President in 2012, but he will make damn sure that Sarah Palin never gets within a thousand yards of the White House even if it means breaking the GOP.
Sarah Palin is as soft as puppy dog shit, but she is bitter and resentful and very good and working her base into a frenzy.
So to my way of thinking it is Romney's misogyny versus Palin's rage...and as for the ditherers and maachers in the GOP? They may not get any leverage over that conflict at all, history shows they aren't omnipotent.
That is assuming that Palin gets in,since prematurely exiting the Alaskan Governorship all she has done is demonstrated a taste for easy conservative welfare money and snarkage.

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