Friday, April 16, 2004

Friday Notes:

Isn't it funny to see that behind all the bluster, utopian illusions, and threats, basically Bush's current Iraq policy has been entirely cribbed from John Kerry?
Bush wants to bring in the U.N. expand the coalition partnerships, de-emphasizes American participation...all stuff suggested by John Kerry months ago.
It is just that Bush is doing a botched half-assed job of implementing these options.
It is hardly a radical proposal, mostly it is designed to give us some breathing space while we try to patch together a sensible diplomatic policy for the region.
Hell, the Syrians claim Bush has been soliciting their help in the current crisis...what does that tell you?
However, just who in La Famiglia Arbusto is supposed to round up these fresh partners?...Rumsfeld, Powell, Cheney?
All defeated men in one way or another, bereft of credibility and ideas.
Meanwhile, as seen in his catastrophic press conference this week, even Bush has no clue as to whom we are handing over sovereignty in Iraq come June.
Either Cheney and Wolfowitz haven't told him yet or else no one really knows.
So truly, the worst is yet to come.

And on that note, I go on vacation next week...this blog will be infrequently updated if at all.
But I'll be back Monday the 26th so don't worry.
That having been said, if it all goes to smash, and I don't come back...try to remember I was once an eagle.

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