Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I caught about...

a half hour of the President's much touted prime time press conference last night.
If those thirty minutes are indicative of the Commander in Chief's mindset, this country is in so much more trouble than I had originally believed.
Chimes at Midnight, (aka "The Little Blog that Cried") is proudly partisan and makes no bones about it's daily dose of ideological warfare.
But good grief, all due sniping aside, what an asinine, inane, whining, incoherent, disheveled, self pitying press conference!
THIS is Karl Rove's political thoroughbred???
George Bush Jr. that "Sea Biscuit" of the pols, famously relentless on message and reliably folksy to a fault?
He sounded like a pleased teachable from the Fernald School fuh crissakes!
And that was when he wasn't spouting dangerous utopian nonsense, repeating himself like a broken record and affecting weird facial expressions that bespoke Bush's boredom with his own mendacity.
Good Ghod it was an embarrassingly amateurish performance even by Bush Jr. standards.
What did the President start hallucinating or something...the press corpse turned into giant talking Jack Daniels bottle before his eyes?
No wonder he looked so scared and befuddled!
JANE SWIFT could've done a better job of fielding those questions!
And Jingle Money was dumber than nine chickens!

Meanwhile, as the President stumbled through this disastrous performance (at one point he referred to Donald Rumsfeld as "The Secretary of State") off to one side sat the Three Horsemen of Disaster, battered shopworn Andy Card, bloated Karl Rove, and Dr. Condoleeza Rice her face an immobile mask of pure hatred.

But ah, hatred directed at whom, the White House Press corpse that was peppering Bush with simple questions that the President evaded or refused to answer?

Dr. Rice was probably fantasizing like a demented schoolgirl about the Marine Corps barging in and bayoneting the entire White House Press Corps on live TV. Then a hunky Marine Private puts a tiara on her head and proclaims the National Security Advisor "queen of the marines"....
Meanwhile in the background her President keeps droning on about a free Iraq with a free market and plenty of school vouchers for the chillun' and loads of yummy tax breaks.

Or maybe Dr. Rice has come to loathe the President, the author of all her present woes?

I'll be Condi was wishing she was back at Stanford grading and basking in the adulation of undergraduate co-eds.
Hell I think Condi was wishing last night she was Dejah Thoris, riding her six legged thoat across the martian landscape.
Really ANYTHING to take her mind off this feeble, repetitive presidential wretch to whom she is manacled for the duration.

I don't think that the President answered one question honestly in the entire half hour increment that I saw.
Mostly he indulged clumsy evasions or else babbled incoherently when faced with a particularly difficult inquiry.
When asked why he was going before the 9-11 commission accompanied by the Vice President, Bush simply refused to answer at all.
Ghod look what the 9-11 Commission has to look forward to, the absolute disintegration of a sitting President of the United States right before their eyes.
If we won't answer the press' questions in a relevant engaged will he do when the commission lights into him?
Geez maybe Cheney should've gone out there with him last night?
If this is the level Bush is functioning at, then the press corpse is well within it's rights to start skipping these new conferences entirely.
Just let the guy wallow in cliches on national television and be done with it.
He isn't answering the questions anyway so why bother?

Such is the Kingdom of Heaven
On the congressionally licenses airwaves
And elsewhere
1:15pm EST
God Save the Republic
God Save the Commonwealth

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