Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Time is the fire in which we all burn...

As the swallows return to Capistrano as a dog returneth to it's vomit, so does "Time" Magazine linger over revealed religion every god damned Easter.
Yup, yew guessed it, Time has put poor old Jesus on the cover.
That would be God's beatnik son the one who got fresh with the Sanhedrin, dumb kid cheesed off the centurions and look what happened?
Well it is about time, the Son of Man was perishing for lack of publicity.
I just love it when Time feels it has to get dressed up in it's Sunday best and gwan down to the church to hear the preachin'....there is nothing more unintentionally funny for the money.
Nonetheless all the Jesus-talk in the world can't disguise the fact that Time (to quote the olde misanthrope) is a "haughty little rag".
In other words, they are just pretendin' to be saved...they'll be back hyping "erotica" and its "power to excite" as soon as Lent is over.
But first the long running newsweekly has to fool the marks down in Anniston Alabama into thinking Jesus still rates with the board of directors at Time-Warner-AOL.
Where Time gets this obsession with christianity I do not know.
Even a cursory reading a cursory reading of the newsweekly reveals that if Time worships anything it is a pagan trinity of fame, money, and most of all power.
Especially when it is fame-money-and-power concentrated in the person of some GOP Hack...that is utter heaven to Time Magazine. really goes way back to Time-Life Founder Henry Luce, the demented son of xian missionaries in China...he spent his life making millions in publishing and attributing it all to God's special favor.
He died back in 1967 and now thirty plus years later his gospel of success and GOP puritanism has degenerated relentlessly into craven commerce worship and a smirking toadying tone.
Well anyway....Jesus is their cover boy again for like the fiftieth time and they made the same vacuous platitudes they reserved for Dino De Laurentiis 1976 remake of "King Kong".

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