Sunday, September 12, 2004

Finally saw Fahrenheit 911 ...

and it was pretty much vintage Michael Moore in all his lardy glory.
The usual gang of GOP truth-tellers have long since cut the film up for its abridgements and alleged distortions.
I don't begrudge Michael Moore his platform though, hell Rush Limabaugh, Sean Hannity, and Jay Severin say all kinds of lying shit every day and no one sends out a flying squad to rebuke them.
Nope, Michael, vulgar marxism and all, is okay by me.
For now.
Of course the biggest thing I took out of the movie wasn't Bush's utter paralysis on the day of the attacks, the gruesomeness of the invasion of Iraq, or the Bush family's tangled ties with the cream of Saudi Arabian society...(a hopeless mess that only a reader of Mother Jones can truly savor) big thing was Colin Powell's exposure as a complete and utter tool.
Time after time this faithful courtier of La Famiglia Arbusto is seen mouthing the most outrageous lies in a sick pallid fashion that indicates Colin KNOWS he is being medacious....but he is too far gone to stop himself.
The guy needs to turn in his portfolio and decamp for some quiet spot to sew up the remnants of his self respect.
Prior to 9-11-01 he is seen claiming that Saddam has been "contained" only to assert in front of the UN that Iraq is armed to the teeth with chemical weapons and who knows perhaps even a positronic ray.
He says even dumber more blatant lies as the film progesses.
If you watch the footage carefully you can see Powell get paunchier, shiftier, and more and more bloated with each and every does he put up with himself?
Well as I said Colin made his bones with the Bush 1 admin so eating shit and calling it pudding is naught but second nature by now.
The poor fool probably STILL thinks this is gonna get his ticket punched for the New Hampshire Primary come 2008. Alas like Mitt Romney and so many other Bush family henchmen past service will count for nothing when Jeb's turn to assume the laurel crown comes around.
There was a time when everyone though Powell would be Bismarck to Bush's young Kaiser Wilhelm....a mentor, a tutor, a wise man to the geek from Crawford. But then Kaiser Bill fired Bismarck touched off World War One in due course-so much for that analogy!
Powell has no integrity whatsoever and quite frankly never did to begin with.
What kills me is, you just know that cocky little freak in the White House treats the Secretary of State like a aging doorman...a nice old doggie worthy of all the condescension a Delta man can generate.
And Colin just takes it...he thinks he is being steadfast and noble....nothing could be further from the truth.
Well what of it, there are enablers everywhere even at the topmost echelon of the Free World.


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