Friday, August 04, 2006

Apparently, David Horowitz has come out

banging the pots hard in Mel Gibson's defense this past week calling the Braveheart star's critics "anti-christian" or some such rubbish as that.
Haven't been able to track down Michael Medved's views of the whole thing, but I strongly doubt that he has broken with any of his fellow conservatives over Mel's drunken jew baiting.

There is something perversely admirable about the praetorian class' ability to pasionately reject reality no matter how acute the crisis. Having conquered power only to see the ship of state crash into an iceberg the David Horowitz's of this world manfully take axes to the lifeboats and scream lustily that the boat ISN'T sinking, no one is drowning, the boilers haven't exploded and the iceberg is naught but a product of Al Gore's imagination.
They do this all the time on the big issues, Iraq, the budget deficit, stem it comes easy in respect of a small matter like Mel Gibson's vular inebriated roadside fugue.
The fact that this makes the praetorian class apologists for war, national bankruptcy and drunken rampages is very much beside the point.

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