Friday, August 11, 2006

A genteel reminder to all the unenrolled voters here in the Commonwealth...

that a mere 18 months ago, Lt. Governor Kerry Healey was insisting in the most diresome terms that John Kerry simply MUST resign from the US Senate as his presidential campaign was preventing our Junior Senator from conducting senatorial business.
Now of course, that same Kerry Healey is crossing the length & breadth of Massachusetts squawking like an old hen and running for Governor like she was down to her last rubber check.
My question is, doesn't all this whistlestopping take Kerry Healey away from pressing Lt. Gubernatorial business?
If she was going to be consistent in her views, shouldn't she herself resign from office in order to spare Massachusetts from the horrors of a part time Lieutenant Governor?
Kerry Healey is a hypocrite, she cares not one jot about whatever idiotic and contradictory premises she campaigns under, as long as she wins. That might be a formula for victory but it's a excellent indicator of a bad character and poor leadership skills.


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