Sunday, August 19, 2007

Defeatism and the Democratic Party...

Suddenly, Joanie Vennochi has decided in one of her irritating oracular effusions that the Democrats are prone to infighting and "defeatism".
Her proof?
That the usual suspects within the party are questioning Senator Clinton's electability.
Oh my goodness!
You mean there are Dems out there who aren't sold on the prospect of electing the first Woman President? Herself a former First Lady of a sandal prone US President?
Those wimps!
HOW DARE THEY not line up behind Clinton and give Joanie months and months of easy snarkage?????
Anyway who the hell is Joanie Vennochi to lecture anyone about defeatism?
She spent all of 2004 questioning John Kerry's electability and indeed his masculinity. Joanie then followed up this disgraceful performance by doing likewise and the same to Deval Patrick last year.
If there are persons within the Democratic ledership who question Senator Clinton's electability it is only because they know she will NEVER get a fair shake from spiteful jerks like Joanie Vennochi.

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