Friday, August 17, 2007

Romney has already run out of things to say...

and has begun chanting his old mantra, "Reform, Reform Reee-form!!"
For the benefit of anyone from Iowa or New Hampshire who might be reading this blog, let me assert that Mitt Romney has the same relationship to "reform" as the fire department has to "fire".
In four lackluster years as the Governor of Massachusetts all Romney did was cut the ribbon on the Big Dig, fire a couple of hopeless GOP hacks and flew off to strange faraway places wherein he took every opportunity to slag the Commonwealth.
Other than that, he accomplished little though he boasted a great deal.
In truth though, Romney is in the same intellectual bind as all the other GOP candidates; Bush's low popularity forces him to run against the White House, but the ideological straitjackets that constrain the GOP prevent him from proposing anything new or different or at substantive variance to current White House policy.
So instead he hurls manly invective at France, snarls at Barack Obama promises fiscal catastrophe thru lower taxes and other sonorous claptrap.
It doesn't make a lick of sense but the GOP is in a deeply delusional state and demands fantasists as candidates first and foremost.

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