Friday, August 24, 2007

It ought to be an axiom in the Bush White House...

that the President ought to avoid uttering the words "Viet Nam" like a plague. Sadly like a damn fool Bush tried to evoke the spectre of that bygone war to justify his own doomed adventure in Iraq. Bringing up the domino theory etc only reminds us that Viet Nam was a conflict that GWB couldn't be bothered to fight back in 1970.
This is sort of ironic, Bush keeps lashing around looking for a lie that'll justify prolonging this useless war having beat a honorable man accused of all sorts falsehoods back in 2000. Al Gore didn't invent the internet and didn't claim to have done so, but GWB can't seem to invent an excuse for the Iraq war that'll work on the American people.
All this would be funny if real people weren't dying while the President stumbles around looking for an alibi.

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