Sunday, February 01, 2009

Jeff Jacoby

decries the "bloated" stimulus package in today's globe in a tone that certifies his own personal emotional investment in failure. As usual he marks out hard for the chimera of "small government" and low taxes, in short the very Randian brew that has brought the republic to the brink of annihilation.
This would be the very definition of insanity, i.e. replicating the same act over and over again with the expectation of a different result. However, speculating on the mental health of conservatism or individual conservatives like Jeff Jacoby is a matter for board certified experts and not "sarcastic rant drive blowhards" like Humble Elias.
No, what Jeff offers us today is nothing less sensible than a homeopathic approach to the economy, a bigger dose of the poison that put us in the intensive care ward is somehow gonna improve our prospects and restore health!
Nothing else quite illustrates so well the sheer intellectual bankruptcy of movement conservatism, they haven't got idea one as to how to save the country...and they know it too.
Too much power for too long has emptied their minds and rendered the lot of them pathetic in a grim shopworn sort of a way.
So for the moment, the argument isn't between liberals and conservatives, the conflict is between the governing coalition assembled by the democrats and the very crisis itself. The GOP and movement conservatism is watching from a wheelchair on the sidelines.

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