Friday, April 17, 2009

Casino gambling is back on the front burner

thanks to a confluence between the new House Speaker and the Senate President.

Sadly "easy-ass solutions born of cowardice" is a social disease prevalent to both political parties.
There is an election coming up, revenues are down so Beacon can't think of anything else except to stick it to the working poor and such gambling addicts out as have money to burn.
I'd sooner see the income tax doubled than get casino gambling in this state, that may horrify some of you, but it summarizes Humble Elias' feelings neatly.
i can think of nothing more injurious to the ineffable quality of life here in the Commonwealth, Beacon Hill can barely resist temptation now with all the lobbyist money at play, now imagine the potential for public corruption with gaming money on the table.
Not to mention the vast patronage potential of a state gaming commission, special revenue officers, sooner or later their own uniformed police service will be required and on and on and on!. The potential for consultancies alone for ex-state reps must total in the millions!
You can see the whole malign public private empire unfold before your very eyes.
Frankly, I'd piss on a spark plug to stop it, for real. Alas though, times are tough, revenues are down, an election is around the corner and easy money is rarely turned down by any state legislature.

But remember this my friends, "There WILL come a Day!"

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