Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Howie Carr railed against the Jews the way he regularly rails against homosexuals (especially homosexual who are registered democrats)...would he still have a radio show?
Okay that may be pure sophistry on my part...but my point is not what you might think.
Conservatives bear a great responsibility for the coarsening of American culture, the corporate elites they champion routinely use the liberal inspired loosening of censorship to sell consumers ever more products in ever more vulgar ways.
Meanwhile, the likes of Don Imus (a mangy old lout, even on his best days) pushes the limit on racial and sexual frontiers when he isn't cooing over Senator John McCain or giving a platform to puritan hysterics like Former Senator Rick "High Pitched Rich" Santorum.
And yet all these guys would sell themselves to us as values pimps of one type or another...well ouldn't know it to listen to them.

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