Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mitt Romney has come out with an education proposal

built around more charter schools and vouchers, ah vouchers to hear the RNC tell it, they could cure a rainy day and still provide an annuity of 5.2%.
Ghod know these past thirty years they've got a voucher for every conceivable social problem under the sun, of course when the GOP actually hands out money, then you must be on your guard.
1.) They never appropriate or distribute sums adequate to the challenge at hand, they mostly agitate in a crude unsophisticated fashion along the lines of "Why d'ye want that soiled crumpled dirty old ten dollar bill when you can have a nice shiny new quarter??"

2.) Even if you get the money it is usually loaded up with all sorts of burdensome stipulations. This particular proposal though is interesting because Romney makes no subsequent demand that the voucher recipients pass drug tests as a condition of the program. Ghod knows when welfare checks are on the line every bum and busted factory worker must pee in a cup or so ranteth the majority caucus of the US House of Representatives.  I say passing a drug test should be mandatory for all participants in Mitt Romney's voucher scheme, parent, child, teacher, school principal, the school board and ALL the dipshit politicians that voted for that sumbitch.
Other than that it seems like a lovely scheme to generate even more MBAs and Lawyers as well as huge surplus in human misery...typical Romney in other words.

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