Monday, May 28, 2012

Sighted in the Parking Lot of a Whole Foods Market

Deep in the heart of Middlesex County, a big black Jeep SUV festooned with a "Defend America, Defeat Obama" bumper stick and a "Obama motif" embossed with the legend "Socialism".
Beneath all this, a circular "United States Marine Corps" sticker.
Now before I go any further if the owner was or was not a Marine Corps veteran is immaterial to my argument he or she has a right to their opinion.
However I feel it a bit ironic for them to be decrying "Obama's socialism" when the USMC is one of the most successful socialist enterprises in the whole wide world.
I mean think about it, a barracks mentality that stresses unity to the collective, a sort of Earthly martial eschaton all paid for out of public funds. Serious hard core Marines even betray a certain degree of "class consciousness" with respect to their relations to competing social groups.
All sounds kinda Bolsheviki to me.
Maybe they just don't care for the competition...who knows?
Meanwhile on a semi related note someone ought to take some time to catalogue and analyze the emerging wingnut lexicon, that Obama socialism motif is just the tip of the iceberg, these people are rapidly evolving their own dialect of English a'la Gullah or Anthony Burgess' "Nadsat".
Oh well
Semper Fi
And Happy Memorial Day.

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