Thursday, May 10, 2012

Scott Brown...

wants Citizen Elizabeth Warren to release all her job applications and college transcripts in order to prove somehow she never got a McDonald's Happy Meal solely on the basis of her presumed Cherokee Indian ancestry.
I'm still waiting for Former State Senator Brown to release results of his last three I.Q. tests...

But I has been a good week for our boodling, chiseling, pension grubbing Junior Senator though, thanks to the above "birther" controversy AND the President's pro SSM announcement no one noticed that Scott Brown voted to double student loan interest rates.

Well what can I say?
Families groaning under the weight of student debt, graduates saddled with extortionate interest rates on tuition loans....they don't have nice pricey lobbyists who can bundle phat contribution's to Scott Brown's re-election campaign.  So of course, since Scott's "true north" always points toward's Big Money, the college students of the Commonwealth get shafted.
Let me make this brutally clear to all you undergraduates out there, Scott Brown (who loves money the way a hog loves slop) voted to Double Your Liability.
Now what are you gonna do about it?

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