Thursday, October 09, 2003

Drug Resistance...

The New England Governor's conference met in Boston with John Walters', the White House Drug Czar yesterday.
Intent on spreading the Administration's "cowboy up" attitude to all aspects of public policy Walter came out of random drug testing of school children as a means to combat the rise in heroin use.
With the theoretical exception of Maine Governor John Baldacci this is a listless collection of GOP Herods, Pilates, and Pierre Laval's acting as Chief Executives.
All were elected on undeliverable promises of a no-tax, no crime, utopia that requires no hard work or sacrifice on anyone's part at all.
And they all sat there like sheep...the only worry in their scanty minds was the effect that said proposal would have on their N.H. Primary Prospects come 2008, 2012 or 2016.
Assuming that is we still have elections in this faltering democracy of ours by then....but then these hammerheads can just as easily look forward to hereditary Dukedoms and other gaudy titles under King Bush I.
If Walters' wants to start screening for drug use, he may as well start with America's talk show hosts.
The revelation of Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin habit casts an ominous light on the nation's radio punditariat.
In fact if Hannity, O'Reilly, Severin, etc really love the U.S.A. they would patriotically volunteer to be randomly tested for drug use.
You just know otherwise they'll be shrieking to set up a gallows in every Junior High School in the land for "drug offenders"....and who wants to listen to that noise quite frankly.
If we can gets some urine off these yankers then maybe we can finally find out which class is truly "at risk".
Isn't flagrant drug use among our radio talk show hosts at least as big a problem as kids eating Nembutal's like tic-tacs?
Talk radio has a lot of influence over the public mindset, we can't afford to let drugs corrupt that cohort!
I say
Then worry about all the kiddie junkies at Madison Elementary.
Hell as long as we are on the subject, long before we force our progeny to piss into little cups , we ought to test the NE Governor's conference for drugs....those results should prove interesting.
Love to see one of those fellas produce a bona fide RX for a mason jar of morphine.

Seriously though, if we are gonna judge our own children as potential dope fiends, don't we owe the same level of suspicion for our elected politicians and un-elected commentators???
I can see it on a bumper sticker-hell lets get it on a ballot initiative next year!

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