Tuesday, October 21, 2003

God, Osama, and the General.

Anyone else hear the news about the army's chief Osama-catcher-Lt. General William Boykin?
God put George Bush in the White House over the wishes of the American People...that was the gist of Boykin's favorite church group boilerplate.
Oh the General is a blubbery old christian evangelical all right....weeps and rants with the best of them.
Is it any wonder why Bin Laden is still at liberty with hapless little Jesus freaks like this on his tail?
With their strained war-of-civilizations rhetoric and routine use of Satan to excuse their own stupidity, truly the American xians finally have themselves their own private apocalypse.
On the other hand why would anyone be surprised that a turgid twice born christian fanatic is on the hunt for Bin Laden?
A turgid twice born christian fanatic is in the White House....stands to reason.
I swear, with rubes like Boykin on the job, it's a wonder Bin Laden hasn't occupied Washington D.C.
And if Osama managed to pull off such a feat, no doubt the White House would call it a "fly paper strategy" and a great success! General Boykin would then preside to a charming prayer vigil and boy's pie eating contest outside the provisonal White House now located in a Epsom Circle N.H. trailer park.

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