Monday, May 10, 2004

Fat Tim and Me...

Tim Russert was on Imus this morning.
In contrast to his usual crude put downs and tasteless references to impotence and senility, Tim was acting all solemn today.
And why not?
Like Tom Brokaw Tim now has a book to flog endlessly, "Big Russ and Me" which is apparently a memoir about his "larger than life" Dad.
Tim was earnest, Tim was sentimental (if that concept makes you nervous, then join the club)...Tim was serious.
The NBC reporter was preciously proud to have tracked down the specifics behind a horrific air crash his Father had survived back in World War II.
He even went so far as to get the relevant files from the Pentagon and everything.
Whotta reporter, I'm impressed.
Except...does anyone else get the impression that Tim did more research for this work of calculated hagiography than he did during the entire expanse of the Clinton impeachment scandal?
I mean back in the day, the RNC could pretty much feed Tim any amount of mendacious nonsense with the sure knowledge that he'd regurgitate it faithfully the following Sunday.
This is the same wise guy who derided the Florida Democratic Party's 2002 convention as "irrelevant" and was still making Whitewater jokes as recently as last year.
Well why flog him?
He is a media whore a pretentious mediocrity and a bit of a other words it's just plain fun to dump on him and his predictable by the numbers best-seller.
And besides when these hacks start soul-searching and wallowing in sentimental trash it's hilarious it just is.


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