Thursday, May 20, 2004

What color is the sky in Jeff Jacoby's world?

Today he airily promises that the magic money spook (aka the "free" market) will soon bring down gas prices to low levels thus making fools of all elitists liberals everywhere.
Earlier week on NPR he blamed the public's lack of outrage about gay marriage on "liberal media elites".
And then there was he recent apologia for biblically inerrant christian education, a fine thing sayeth Jacoby much derided by "liberal media elites".
You see the pattern?
Everything is the fault of liberalism.
Conservatism is in decline in this country for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is their sniveling snitch mentality that abandons all responsibility for the state of the nation in favor of reflexively fixing blame on their political opponents.
Their argument runs, "If we could only get rid of ALL the liberals, somehow we conservatives would be purged of our inherent stupidity and could govern magnificently sans constrain!"
In fact more and more conservatism is becoming an ideology united only in it's hatred of liberalism.
Conservative economics is an oxymoron in this so called republican administration, morality issues are a bust, and their foreign policy is equal parts naivete' and fraudulence.
What is let but to go hunting liberals?
Jacoby is a big mouthpiece for the "blame mentality" of movement conservatism...inflexible, whiny, shallow, and wonder they love him.
To that list you can also add, "bereft of ideas" or at least any ideas that have a passing acquaintance with the reality as the rest of us know it.
Ah but in Jeff's world there is always a devil and he is always a liberal.


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