Monday, May 17, 2004

The Miracle of Democracy....

Well as of midnight, gay-residents-of-the-Commonwealth now have the right to marry.
Of course, the measure may not survive the 2006 ballot initiative...but for the moment all is well in Ghod's Country.
And let us stop for a moment however to celebrate the sheer diversity of the current debate.
Rock ribbed conservatives can rejoice that democracy in the Commonwealth is so strong that they can listen to ten hours straight of sneering homophobia courtesy WTKK 96.9 FM talk radio.
Liberals on the other hand can fearlessly spin the dials to...where?
"NPR!" howls a chorus of Howie Carr fans.
Ah yes National Public Radio whose storied integrity extends to interviewing a gay couple and some homo hating wowser as if they were morally equivalent in some murky journalistic fashion.
The cause of democracy and freedom is well served with vigilant guardians like Howie Carr, Jay Severin, and NPR on the job...
So if my rights are being so well defended by these "local" lions of journalistic incorruptibility, why can't I sleep at night?

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